Sound Effects - Iceland Stream - Download

Session Brief

This is a relaxing short video. I'd like you to build a full ambience to this. You should mix together a lot of tracks for this one. Sound effects editing is not as simple as one sound and your done... although it could be... my point is that you should always have a well thought out sound effects edit, so options are lined up in case the director does not like what you put together.

Maybe you'll need several different wind sounds. A far away wind, a light wind, a heavier one too. Mix them together... even at very low volumes to get a more complex sound. Do the same for the water too.


Create logical mix and splits and make the level for this one -24LKFS.

Remember, if you purchase the course you'll be able to send me your mixes whenever you want me to give you a mix critique.


Backup your session... keep the good habit building going!

*Please note; if you decide to purchase the APCA before you are finished with the free content, you must "Complete and Continue" all the lessons in the free week to move onto the paid Week 01 content. After that, new content drops on a weekly basis for 40 weeks.

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